When you think of normal office space, what do you think? Perhaps something that closely looks a lot like the sea of cubicles from Office Space with a giant whiteboard, bordered by a long conference room table. The contemporary office space, though, is shifting. Digital developments and changes in the way individuals most effectively work mean the space we travel to each morning looks a bit different than it used to. A noteworthy change is the integration of digital signage displays. The role of digital signage displays in the workplace varies, and some of the ways digital signage displays play into decreasing office burnout and stress may shock you. Workplace Information Center Once folks gathered around the water cooler to get the hottest gossip or to find out what was going on in the office. Far more appealing than bulletin boards or whiteboards, digital signs can allow staff to feel included and up-to-date on what’s happening around the company. When folks are informed, amused, and can communicate with their coworkers, you will find better morale effects and less cynical disinterest from work. Add Excitement Digital signs don’t have to be all figures and directives, and they can be enjoyable as well. Trivia games allow healthy rivalry and team building for personnel. Mixing jokes, fun bites about execs, and short, entertaining videos into your digital signage displays can help break up the dullness of a typical 9-5 workday. Become Inspirational Popshap has gone all-in on the abundant ways digital signage can work beyond just informing folks. Motivational displays can aid teams in achieving goals or weather a tough project. Additionally, using digital signage to celebrate wins can inspire personnel as well. Workers who are regularly recognized and praised for a job well-done report greater satisfaction and output with their jobs. Employee-facing digital signing is still not used as much as consumer-facing signage. Numbers show that 51% of end-users place their digital signs customer-facing instead of 9% of users who have their digital signage employee-facing. But, as we show, the admiration of employee-facing digital signage is rising in popularity. The more companies learn about how digital signage can confidently affect the morale and stress-mitigation of their personnel, the more digital signage use in the workplace will become the standard.