Excite The Masses and Seize Attention with Video Walls

Video walls are a good opportunity to strengthen brand recognition. Your logo, colors, etc. are all around, bigger than life, and will stick in folks’ minds. But you can also use that extra attention they’re giving you to repeat what your business is all about – your objectives and mission statement. This might be done through momentary quotes, employee spotlights, or through the selective use of images that communicate who your business is at the core. Remember that individuals will see your video wall displays when they first come in through the door, but also again when they are exiting the same way. For video walls in other places, they’re a great occasion to remind folks of the values that make your business unique and worth working for. Such attentions are more and more significant to employees and customers alike. Simply having all the presentations in the matrix show a large marketing message that says something like “helping folks communicate” or a similar statement that sums up your principles gives that message more bulk. Equally, having each of the video wall displays show a single word or image that together communicates something vital about your company can also have a lasting influence. Clearly, the larger your video wall, the more you can show without interruption. GUIDE Your Target Audience Your video wall can help folks orient themselves to your brand and morals, and also to your capability. Use the video wall displays to let folks know what’s on-site. If you have other digital signage screens around the building, tell them where to look for those video displays and what they might find on them. Use the extra moment's individuals will spend looking at your video wall to let them know what is offered to them. Individuals love it when they get a question answered without their having to inquire about it. Your video wall is like a huge virtual concierge, greeting folks and informing them of options. Think about lodge time as well – individuals in a lobby are passing through and might use a second or two to get oriented, but then they’ll move on to their place. In spaces where people spend more time, you’ll want to use more detailed digital content but also more variety to keep them looking and absorbing your marketing messages. Video walls can be an unbelievable value-add to your marketing and communications with both the internal workforce and the public. Any kind of business can benefit from them – corporations, universities, hotels, manufacturing facilities, even hospitals, and government bureaus. Consider all the options a video wall holds, and then plan the best way to make the most of its impact.

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