Marketing Tactics that Utilize Interactive Digital Signage

Interactive digital signage is everywhere you look nowadays. Digital displays fill kiosks and stand at stores and malls, and can be seen inside airports and hotels. Our world has been experiencing a digital revolution, but interactive digital signage isn’t just fashionable – it’s highly effective. According to marketing figures gathered by Visix, 80% of customers reported they have chosen to enter a store because a digital sign caught their eye. Bonus data show that consumers recall promotional messages 55% of the time when they have been displayed digitally. Those are remarkable stats. Digital ads are all over the place, which has made them a preferred way to reach shoppers. Creative marketing reaches individuals on a deeper level, so here’s how brands are achieving that effect through interactive digital signage. Interactive, digital customer service desks Digital customer service desks are similar to wayfinding kiosks. Though either can be used to offer directions, digital help desks can offer wide-ranging information and information to buyers. For instance, a buyer inside an electronics store might want to know how to connect a laptop to an external monitor. By choosing a few options, the individual can find out which HDMI adapter they will need. While the buyer is learning about different HDMI adapter configurations, the help desk can recommend a particular product. Joined with advanced digital signage software, the buyer can have a team member bring the item to the checkout counter and avoid having to browse the aisles. Collecting leads Collecting email addresses and phone numbers is a key marketing strategy for every industry, but it doesn’t have to only happen only online. The top companies collect email addresses from a variety of sources, including digital signage. This works greatest when it’s interactive, in other words when it entails the use of touch screen displays. These digital displays make it possible to tempt consumers to sign up for an email list. For instance, in-store digital signage can offer patrons a discount for signing up before they check out. These deals work best when placed near high-ticket objects so folks have an incentive to sign up. Imagine finding luxurious electronic items and noticing a digital sign that says a 10% discount for submitting your email address. Chances are, you’ll sign up on the spot. If you are interested, digital signage will help you grow in more ways than one. Do you need more leads or consumers? Digital signage might be the answer you’re looking for. Although regular marketing channels are worthwhile, digital displays could be a great investment in your long-term goals.

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