May, 2018 Austin, Texas


NPD hosted their 2018 IDEA conference this year in Austin Texas. The conference was created to bring leading experts from all over the world to present the latest models of thought that are advancing a widely diverse set of industries. NPD came to Popshap to help them broadcast their brand at the event, and create digital signage to keep attendees informed about the location and their upcoming events.

Popshap designed 6 interactive 49" touch kiosks for NDP. Each 49" touch kiosk came equipped with relevant information about upcoming speakers, digital maps, and even a trivia game. Attendees were kept informed about the latest news and updates about the conference thru the 49" touch kiosks around the event space, keeping every one engaged all throughout.

For NDP's event, Popshap used 6 49" touch kiosk, strategically placed all over the event space, to help create an interactive experience with all attendees, showing them the upcoming events and important information in regards to NDP's event in Austin, Texas. By doing this, no matter where an attendee was at the event, they were able to be informed of everything going on, at any given time. This clean and seamless approach was something that pleased NDP and all who were involved in Austin. We're excited that NDP's event went so well and look forward to the next.