The Best Time for Hosting an Event Is…?

Hosting an Event in the Fall is better than the Spring

When you think of a prime season for hosting an event, your mind probably jumps to the spring. The temperature is beginning to get warmer, there is more activity outside, people’s moods are shifting from dull to excited. All this may be true, but there's another key time for event hosting, and it's closer than you think.The fall—from September until the last few weeks in November— is also just as perfect of a time for hosting an event due to its convenient placement on the calendar. Let’s quickly break down the specifics:In September, the summer has just ended and everyone is back in the office, refreshed, and ready to go for another exciting corporate season. In October and November, there's not much need to worry about running into major holidays. With Halloween at the end of October and Thanksgiving at the end of November, that leaves plenty of time for you to schedule and/or attend an event.The only question left unanswered is: how do you go about properly preparing for your events? How will I make an engaging event for my guests? Exciting Event Solutions Provided by PopshapWe here at Popshap have a simple solution: Interactive Touch Kiosks and Digital Signage.With our state-of-the-art touch screen event kiosk technology, you can truly impress your guests and give them something interactive to keep them entertained. Our touch kiosks can serve many functions at events such as interactive quizzes and games, a stand with information dynamically displayed, a sign-in station, a digital signage display to show off your brand, and much much more. With our exceptional team of designers and programmers, any idea you could come up with is possible. Each Event is Different

We have a variety of styles to offer, each geared towards a specific purpose. We could provide you with kiosks for corporate event solutions, trade show event solutions, fundraiser event solutions... any kind of event you could think of, we have you covered.It is never too early or too late to book your engaging event-stopping interactive kiosks. Call or email us with any request you have!

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