During this year’s Black Hat cyber security conference, Unisys blew crowds away using Popshap’s touch screen tables. For over 20 years, the week long Black Hat conference in Las Vegas has showcased revolutionary developments and trends in information security research. Not only does the convention have a phenomenal show floor, but every year a handful of leaders in technology give informational lectures about valuable industry topics.
The Black Hat conference also hosts a training section to the event, that offers individual training courses to test out applications and technology to better inform the attendees how to efficiently utilize security attack and defend programs. The convention is perfect for IT specialists, security software developers and analysts, risk managers, consultants, professors, students, and those who have a general interest, to learn all there is to know about the important developments in cyber security.
Unisys, an information technology company who was attending the Black Hat conference, came to Popshap seeking to develop a unique booth. They wanted an interactive and engaging way to inform the convention’s attendees of their advances in security software. We agreed that using our 32” touch screen table featuring an interactive digital quiz that demonstrated the capabilities of Unisys’ products and services was the best way to communicate what the company has to offer. Working through the obstacles of limited internet, our team at Popshap developed a localized network program on the 32” touch screen tables, that not only engaged but also properly informed guests of what Unisys is and the services they provide. In the end, the booth was a major success. Using the customizable technology of the touch screen tables, Popshap was truly able to exhibit the software capabilities of Unisys.