A Visitor Management System to Keep The Workplace Safer

[caption id="attachment_6811" align="alignnone" width="640"]Interactive kiosks provide solutions that can be utilized to improve business efficiency[/caption] Not using a visitor management system for check-in can be one of the main danger areas of any business during this never-ending pandemic—but it’s also one of the best places to lay the foundation for a safe assembly. Think about these smart tactics to keep visitors safe as soon as they get to the workplace.

Do as much as imaginable in advance.

With a visitor management system, you can now consider removing on-site check-in lines by coordinating as much as you can be preceding the physical gathering. We suggest doing all registration online with a professional visitor management system to increases the chances of a smoother check-in when people arrive. It also helps to decrease badge collection congestion at registration, all accreditation can be sent out prior to the event. Doing this also eradicates the need for a large registration desk, which could easily attract a cluster of folks. For an entertaining touch, mail some brand swag along with the badges, like a face mask or a mini bottle of hand sanitizer.

Start the health screenings before visitors arrive.

More recently some companies are asking all visitors, and vendors to present either proof of vaccine or a negative COVID-19 test before they come in; you should also be delivering clear messaging that if visitors or customers display any indications, they should stay home. On arrival, visitors should be required to check-in via a QR code survey and have their temperature checked prior to being allowed inside the workplace. If you’re asking staff members to sign a waiver of accountability, that should also be organized in advance. Email the waiver to all staff in advance so they have time to analyze, discuss with their legal counsel, and decide if they agree to the terms and still want to be present.

Utilize visitor management system kiosks and multiple check-in points on-site.

If badges must be printed on-site, self-serve kiosks are important. We suggest setting up multiple digital kiosks spaced out at each point of entry to the location. These are characteristically smaller, reducing the clusters of folks, and can still be prepared to handle attendee questions and badge reprints, and set the stage for what they can anticipate inside regarding distancing and the rest of the COVID measures. [embed]https://youtu.be/FoL_RvJZSJ8[/embed] Also, make sure all of your business, digital signage, and barriers are clear and forthcoming, giving attendees regular prompts to keep their distance. Since companies have come back we’ve been installing touchless technology where an attendee can use their own smartphone to do many of the activities that were normally done through shared devices. The more material provided in advance, the less muddled a location is on-site with arrivals.

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