So you have a tickle in the back of your throat. Now it’s a cough and sore throat. You’re feeling achy. Bottom line, you’re not feeling well and it’s time to go to the doctor to figure out what it could be. Is it a cold? Is it the flu? Is it Covid?Going to the doctor has never been a fun activity, but a definite one when you’re not feeling well. But should you go during a pandemic? The answer is yes. Doctors’ offices are taking great strides to keep everyone safe. They’re screening patients with screening questions, they’re taking temperatures, they’re doing virtual visits, etc. They encourage hand washing, using hand sanitizer, and mask wearing. Question is, do you still feel safe? What can a doctor’s office do to potentially make you feel safer? Would you feel safer with a wireless hand sanitizer machine outside their door? What if there was a wall mounted hand sanitizer machine just on the inside? How about for temperature screenings- what can be done? Body Temperature Kiosks could be the answer! From a desktop body temperature kiosk, to a stand up body temperature kiosk, or even a wall mounted body temperature kiosk, there are many options to choose from. Would you prefer one over the other? Would you be more inclined to go to a doctor’s office if these were in place? What would make you the most comfortable? As the pandemic continues to rear its ugly head, so many of these questions mentioned above continue to be dealt with on a daily basis. Besides living in a bubble, which isn’t possible, what is the best case scenario? Yes we know to wash our hands, wear our masks, and to social distance, but what will make you feel better about the situation, when you’re not feeling good at all? That is a question we all continue to wonder about, and anxiously await an answer.